Showing posts with label tattoo art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tattoo art. Show all posts

Tattoo in the Chinese History

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Tattoo in the Chinese History, Tattoo is called "Wen Shen" or "Ci Shen" in Chinese. The term means literally "puncture the body".

Tattoo has been known and practised in China for many years. Many years ago, when a court finds a person guilty of a severe crime, it may order a tattoo be placed on his face, and bannishes him to a far-way place for a number of years. The tattoo on the face permantly marks the person as a criminal. The two-prone punishment is called "ci pei" (tattoo/exile).

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Posted by Unknown

A tattoo is an ink design inserted into the skin, commonly via a needle.A variety of pigments and inks are used in modern tattoo, ranging from traditional black to a wide range of colors. Some of the colors used for tattoo pigment may be toxic, raising concerns about extensive color work.
If you are concerned, ask the artist about what pigments he or she is using and whether any adverse reactions to the inks have been noticed. Many tattoos will also require touchup, as exposure to sunlight and water degrades the inks.
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Writing Art Tattoos

Posted by Unknown on Monday, February 4, 2013

It seems that there is a growing trend in some circles to select a warrior image as a tattoo and then add some motivational saying under the image. Most of the time, the two are not in any way related and can look a bit odd. An example would be to have a vicious warrior with Mum and Dad underneath or some poem like Love You Forever as the writing tattoo.

Now I am sure you can see this would be a nonsense and totally wrong. Of course for a long time it was only motorcycle gangs, convicts and the odd local neighbourhood gangs who would use the image of warriors as a tattoo. This of course would be to show their allegiance to the gang and confirm membership, perhaps the warrior was as a symbol of their fierce nature and their belonging to a "tribe" of sorts. This would be their mark and the only writing would be the name of the gang for the most part. Now however it has become popular for all to consider a stunning warrior figure with a motivational quote.
Writing Tattoos

Whilst there is nothing wrong with going for a Writing Tattoo with some strong phrase or motivational quote, it is very important that the two match. If one is weak and the other is strong it will just not look good no matter how good the tattoo artist performs. So if you are going to put some writing under your warrior make sure it goes. The next thing you need to consider is what warriors, will it be one from your homeland or perhaps a Highlander or a Viking, an Aztec or Red Indian perhaps a Mongol or Cossack horse man, there are so many to choose from. However you should be aware that few if any of these warriors were likely to have had a tattoo themselves.

The tattoo should not be seen as a copy of what these ancient and noble warriors wore themselves, it should be seen more as a symbol to honour the Vikings or the Highlanders as noble warriors. It is to symbolise the strength and character of these great peoples.

So if you are of Scandinavian origin or Scottish fine go with it but remember it is to match their character and the motivational saying to go with it should be the same.

So if you want a Writing Tattoo with a warrior and a motivational saying great, but let's make sure it is super cool by matching each other. Olivia Curtis loves tattoos and has become a big fan of Writing Tattoos with a pet hate for those that get the writing wrong ending up with a nonsense statement instead of a dedication to loved ones or an inspirational quote
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Hot Spot Tattoo

Posted by Unknown on Friday, January 25, 2013

Side tattoos are those tattoos are done on the side of the ribcage. They can be done in pairs or as an abstract form on any one side. Getting tattoos done on your side provide you with a bigger area to use as a canvas. Side tattoos are also quite painful as this area is quite bony and sensitive. There are a variety of designs that are ideal for ribcage tattoos. Celebrities love endorsing their tattoos on their sides. 9 popular side tattoo ideas are given below.
ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo

Chinese or Japanese Scripts running the length on one side of the ribcage. These are usually ideograms and look pretty cool. Deep philosophical meanings or saying are usually preferred. Angel motifs can also be done on a large scale on the ribcage. They don't necessarily have to be girly or pansy in design, fallen or vengeful angels can look quite masculine or daunting. Koi fish designs can be done is a colorful and bright manner on the ribcage where each detail can be worked on intricately. Depending on the design the meaning varies. Plus there are many details that can be worked on, background of the Koi fish, direction, color, etc. Mostly Koi fish represent strength, perseverance, courage and even love.
ribs tattoo
ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo
ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo
ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo
ribs tattoo
Dragon tattoos are perfect for ribcages as they are usually large in size. Dragons are mythical creatures that can present a facade of mystique, fantasy and adventure. Eastern or Western types of dragon tattoos are the variations, depending on which one you prefer more. Pinup girls are another favorite for ribcage tattoos as they too look beautiful on a large scale and salute the old school or the rock and roll lifestyle of the past. These can be very colorful and sensuous in design. Tiger tattoos are made for the ribcage as the vast canvas gives a chance for true artistry to come out. The more lifelike the tiger, the more beautiful the representation. The colors and imagery it takes on brings the tiger tattoo to a whole new level. Tigers ooze masculinity, aggression, passion and power.
ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo

ribs tattoo

Tribal designs are also sought after as they give a monochromatic edgy look that is very masculine in nature. Tree of life is an Irish design that has many branches on which meaningful phrases and quotes can be written. It represents how we all have the same origin but have diversified, but even with all that are still inter related. No man is as island type theme.
Comic book characters can make you go back to your childhood and is an awesome way of paying homage to your favourite character throughout time
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Sexy Koi Tattoo Arts

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, January 17, 2013

Koi is an oriental name for fish in the carp family. In the Orient koi are very revered, and are thought to have certain mystical abilities about them. Koi stands for courage, strength, determination, advancement, and perseverance. In the English Language the word "Koi" is translated as the word "love", or the feeling of love. It can also be translated as romantic love or a very passionate love affair. However, koi can also mean selfish. In the orient koi is a symbol of good luck.

In China there is a legend that describes a koi fish swimming up the Yellow River to a waterfall, and if it is at a place called the Dragon Gate, the koi may then jump over the fall and be transformed into a dragon.

In Buddhism it is believed that people are like the koi, swimming in an ocean of suffering all their lives, yet they continue striving forward until they die. The koi fish tattoos with 5 golden koi stands for well being through our daily lives, and eternal wealth, 5 being a lucky number. And matched with the legend the koi is as lucky as a dragon. And the perfect koi tattoo art would be of a golden koi changing into a dragon, just like a butterfly does.

In koi tattoos you will often see them combined with water, cherry blossoms or lotus flowers. However, the Japanese koi tattoos have many symbolic meanings depending on what the koi is doing. Japanese koi tattoo art is a symbol of masculinity. Koi fish are a very energetic fish, and the Koi fish tattoos may often involve very lively colors, with the fish depicted as moving. Koi fish tattoos are often represented with victory as well, and are often tattooed on a person's body to represent someone who is very independent, going against the grain of society.

Any koi tattoo art is suppose to bring its wear wealth and abundance, and thus this king of fish is known as the dragon fish, and many koi tattoos are depicted in a larger tattoo. They are very popular tattoos for the back and/or both shoulders, or as Koi sleeve tattoos. The background colors are as spectacular as the fish itself. They have been depicted with suns and moons as well.

The koi has also been depicted with the Yin/Yang symbol; the Yin being the black part, which is female, night, water, earth, and it is passive; the Yang being the white part, is male, day, fire, air, and it is active. Together these two symbols meant balance and harmony. In itself the Yin/Yang makes a very strong statement, but together with the koi, makes it extraordinary.
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Flash Tattoo Designs

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, January 5, 2013

Previously, when the Internet wasn't as occupied as it is today, finding a tattoo design was quite easy but today you get swapped with thousands of designs which makes it tough to find the right one.Another thing is that a lot of sites offer the same tattoos which also means that they are being used by people quite often which makes them less original.

The same goes for the cookie-cutter websites with tattoo designs that come up among the first search results. It is certain that a great number of people are already sporting those flash tattoo designs on their body and you certainly wouldn't want to be one of them. You should be aware however that there are also loads of designs that haven't been discovered by anybody yet.

When you are looking for an original yet great flash tattoo designs then it would be a nice choice to look for tattoo galleries that aren't that popular, unless originality doesn't concern you. Although some of these designs may look awesome, there is a great possibility that they will not look as great when implemented as tattoos. There are many artists who are really good at what they do, but they still do not know all the nuances, tips and tricks which are necessary if one wants to create an artwork that will also look great when implemented on the skin. Being a great artist doesn't necessarily mean being a good tattoo artist. Still, there are many good tattoo artists out there and it is up to you whether you will have the patience to discover them.

You are probably wondering where else on the Internet you could possibly search. The answer is - on the internet forums. Like this you will be able to find some great which you wouldn't come across normally. Forums are an great tool if you want to learn what other people have already discovered.

Whether you pick up tips or learn the don'ts, a tattoo forum can be of great assistance in your search for the perfect tattoo. Visiting tattoo forums might be all there is to do if you want to gain access to some amazing flash tattoo designs. Getting a tattoo is quite exciting so be sure to make your choices carefully. What you choose will tell volumes about yourself and your personality, so make sure that you choose a design that you will feel no doubts about.

Flash tattoo designs can be nice and you should definitely look into them because there's a nice amount of good designs out there even though some might be hard to find.
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Sexy Leg Tattooes

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, December 13, 2012

When looking for a good leg tattoo design, there are two points you need to realize. Actually, they are more like tips, and I will share them with you. There are just too many websites with nothing but generic, cookie cutter designs out there and people are not finding the truly superb artwork. You might want to remember these tips when looking for the leg tattoo design you really want.
leg tattoo

Tip 1 - Always, always take your time when looking for tattoos on the internet. I have seen to many people and read too many horror stories about people getting tattooed with artwork that they end up hating. There are two main reason this happens and could happen to you when looking for a leg tattoo design.

Reason number one is because people are making rushed decisions. This is never a good idea when looking for tattoos, simply because this excitement quickly wears off, but by that time, many people have already ran to the parlor to get tattooed with that piece of art. It is these impulse decisions that come back to haunt many people.

Reason number two is because people want to get tattooed with designs that are "in" or "cool". They find tattoos (in your case it might be a leg tattoo design) that other men and women will think is cool and run to get it inked. They don't take into consideration what they truly want and instead think only about what other people might think about it. In the long run, you are always better off getting a leg tattoo design that "you" truly like and don't let outside influences alter your judgment.

Tip 2 - You are probably looking for a leg tattoo design the wrong way. You are probably saying to yourself, "What does that mean?" Well, it means that the way you are searching for tattoos is probably not leading you to places that have fresh, quality artwork. 95% of people will strictly use search engines, which is most likely the path you are taking also.

If you use them to locate a good leg tattoo design, you will instead get a list of low end galleries and all of these places usually have generic, cookie cutter tattoos. Most people don't even realize this and instead take it for what it is. They think this is all they have to choose form and end up picking one of those generic designs, because all galleries are going to have the same kind of artwork. Not all galleries are stuffed with only generic designs. It's just that this is all search engines show you.

What you need is a better way to find the good leg tattoo design you want. What's the best way to accomplish this? By using internet forums. It's the easiest, most reliable way to find all of the truly great galleries you've been failing to get a hold of. The larger forums are always going to be filled with past topics on the subject of tattoos. To find a good leg tattoo design, simply skim through some of these topics and you will be able to find link after link to some of the better galleries other people have uncovered. It's a fantastic way to work your way to the superb artwork search engines always fail to show you. It's as simple as that
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Hide Message On Tattoo

Posted by Unknown on Monday, December 10, 2012

Lettering tattoo designs are gaining in popularity. You can combine lettering with a design, you can add lettering to a previous design to change it up a little or you can have lettering tattoo designs by themselves. When you add lettering to a design you want to make sure the lettering font style matches the type of tattoo image. Everything should flow together.

Lettering tattoo designs can be just as time consuming to decide on as an image tattoo. You first have to decide what you want to say. Then you can choose to say it in your native language or another, perhaps ancient language like Greek or Chinese characters. Then you have to decide what font type you want to use. And lastly (or perhaps first, depending on you) you decide where on your body you want your lettering tattoo design.

Those are a lot of decisions to make. You have to take your time about all of them because any one can affect your tattoo greatly. A tattoo is for life and you want to be proud of your tattoo forever. Take your time and make one choice at a time. Don't be afraid to change your mind and start over. You want a tattoo that you are 200% sure that it's right for you.

I think the most important decision is what do you want your lettering tattoo designs to say. Since a tattoo is personal, this is your chance to speak to the world. If you choose a saying, it should be something that would be a lifelong commitment. If you choose a name, make sure it's a name that you will still want 20 years from now. One of the biggest sources of tattoo regret is a name of a past love. Unfortunately tattoos last longer than most relationships.

If you go to a good online tattoo gallery you can have everything you need in one place to make all your choices. You can see different lettering styles, get information on translations and see if you want to add an image to your design. One note about lettering tattoo designs in a foreign language, check with several different sources to make sure your translation says what you want it to say. 

There is nothing more horrifying than to walk around with an incorrect lettering tattoo

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Sexy Girl Tattoo

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, November 22, 2012

So you're looking for pin up girl tattoos? They're something else, that's for sure. These tattoos are an expression of the beauty of females. I really like these kind of tattoos, as it's far from generic. Read on to learn more about these tattoos, and where to find the best designs. It's much more common to get cartoon like illustrations instead of tattoos that depict real girls.

These illustrations are often of a nice looking woman with exaggerated proportions posing in various positions. You can make these more interesting by using a certain theme for your pin up girl. Popular choices are devil girls, angels, or warrior-princesses. The other style of pin up girl tattoos are tattoos of real life women. These are often famous models or celebrity sex symbols. The most famous pin up girl would have to be Betty Grable, while the new pin up queen is arguably Dita Von Teese. In the more modern style the girl is either half-naked or completely naked.

When deciding what type of tattoo you want it's important to think about future jobs, since formal environments don't always take a liking to tattoos that are easily seen, certainly not of naked women. Today there are so many designs to choose from, and the internet has made deciding what tattoo you want that much easier. Before getting your tattoo done, it's therefore highly recommended to join a good website where you can explore tattoo galleries to find out what design suites you best
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